Monday, November 5, 2018

The Station at Diamond Springs

Diamond Springs looking West
Photo by unknown - used with permission CSRM

Diamond Springs looking East
Photo by unknown - used with permission CSRM

The station at Diamond Springs was built in the end of the 19th century.  The photos above however were taken well into the 20th century. Radio antennas appear on the roof and the west facing door is now locked and boarded. I really enjoyed building this station and researching the footprint and approximate measurements. It was a good exercise in learning something about approximating structure lengths, widths, and heights using structure components. Essentially using one known element, in this case windows, to estimate the measurements of the building. I had asked for some help on the subject on the Prototype modelers group, and Jack Burgess got me in touch with Henry Bender, considered by most the expert on all things SP stations. He gave me the exact measurements  along with a PDF of an article written in 2015 on the Placerville Branch. I realized that those who are good at research, know exactly where to go to get the best value for their time invested. In this case Henry used valuation maps to list information specifics for every station along the branch.
The modeled station was built from wood sheet provided by Mt. Albert. The windows and doors are from Tichy.
Here are a few photos of the results.
WB 2-8-0 running light downhill past Diamond Springs

before basic scenery is added

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